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DNA:The New Frontier + One Day Short Course on Cancer Genetics

National Society of Genetic Counselors , Baltimore, Maryland
10/25/97 - 10/28/97

An intensive 4-day educational program designed to familiarize genetic counselors with the molecular findings in various categories of adult, pediatric and prenatal genetic disorders and their potential clinical applications. The conference will also promote discussion surrounding ethical, legal and societal issues raised as a result of the expanding capabilites to perform molecular diagnostic testing.

Registration :
Bea Leopold
National Society of Genetic Counselors
233 Canterbury Drive
Wallingford, PA 19086-6617
Phone: (610)872-7608 Mailbox 8
Fax: (610)872-1192

Deadline for Abstracts: 5/9/97

Email for Requests and Registration: nsgc@aol.com

Posted by: Robert Resta Host: dial106.sttl.uswest.net date: July 16, 97 13:58:15
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp