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Recombinant DNA Technology

Indiana University , Bloomington
June 2-6, 1997

Invited Speakers:


This summer, Indiana University will offer two short courses on recombinant DNA technology. Both courses will offer participants the opportunity to work on a sample of genomic DNA from their own research organism. The first course is:

Recombinant DNA Technology (June 2-6)

This course will include

DNA and cloning vector manipulation
PCR technology
Preparation of recombinant DNA
Transformation of bacterial Cells
Selection and assay of cloned and amplified fragments of "foreign" DNA
Southern Blot analysis
Preparation of nonradioactive DNA probes
Use of web sites in research and teaching

Registration :

For more information, Contact Jane Clay at Division of Continuing Studies, Owen Hall 204, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405 (812) 855-6329;

More details about the courses can be found at http://www.indiana.edu/~scs.dna.html.

Jane Clay
Associate Director
Division of Continuing Studies
Owen Hall 204
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: 812-855-6329 Fax: 812-855-8997

Deadline for Abstracts:

Email for Requests and Registration: JClay@Indiana.edu

Posted by: Jane Clay Host: Klipha8.ukbf.fu-berlin.de date: February 21, 97 18:33:48
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp