Invited Speakers: S. Cohen, EMBL, Heidelberg
S. Fraser, CalTech
C. Kalcheim, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem
C. Kenyon, UCSF
M. Levine, UCSD
J. Rossant, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto
B. Shilo, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
C. Tabin, Harvard Medical School
T. Volk, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
Y. Yisraeli, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem
In the past few years, the mechanisms and molecules which regulate embryonic and
post-embryonic development have been unraveled at an amazing pace. The combination
of powerful genetic screens carried out in flies and worms, and the implementation of the
findings to higher vertebrates have revealed an amazingly conserved and universal set of
signal transduction pathways that regulate diverse developmental switches.
The 1997 Jerusalem Spring workshop on Developmental Switches will attempt to convey
this excitement. Speakers who are leaders in their field, will describe different model
organisms including Drosophila, C. elegans, Xenopus, Zebrafish, Chicken and mice.
For each of these systems the latest experimental results will be presented, and discussions
on the overlaps, advantages and problems of each model organism will take place.
The workshop is intended for students at the graduate and post doc level from Israel and abroad.
Posters and short presentations by the participants are also an integral part of the workshop.
Registration :
APPLICATIONS: The Schol is intended for advanced graduates and post-doctoral students.
Registration fees: $220. Hotel accommodation: $270. Some financial support is available for applicants
upon request.
Candidates must send a C.V., an abstract of research interests & a letter of recommendation.
For application forms write to: The Jerusalem Spring School, Institute for Advanced Studies,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram 91904, ISRAEL. Fax: 972-2-6523429.
Deadline for Abstracts: 2 March, 1997
Email for Requests and Registration: