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Cloning & Analysis of Large DNA Molecules

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , Cold Spring Harbor, New York
April 8 - 21, 1997


This course will cover the theory and practice of manipulating,cloning, and mapping large segments of DNA. The course will focus on thehands-on construction of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone libraries,and the use of several types of large-insert clone libraries (YAC, BAC,P1) and genomic DNA for the analysis of large chromosome regions in thephysical mapping and contig-building phases of positional cloning projects.Lectures and laboratory work will include BAC clone library preparation,preparative and analytical pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), techniquesfor the isolation and manipulation of high molecular weight DNA from avariety of sources (including plants and animals), and an introduction to relevant bacterial and yeast genetics. BAC- and YAC-based positionalcloning methods will include library screening, contig assembly, long rangerestriction and RecA-assisted Restriction Endonuclease (RARE) cleavage mapping, and recovery/analysis of large-insert clone end-fragments.Lectures by outside speakers on topics of current interest will supplement th laboratory work.

Registration :
Information on how to apply for CSHL courses is available at http://www.cshl.org/meetings

Deadline for Abstracts: January 15, 1997

Email for Requests and Registration: meetings@cshl.org

Posted by: Michael Glaessgen Host: babypc.cshl.org date: January 10, 97 19:39:12
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp