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38th Annual Short Course in Medical and Experimental Mammalian Genetics

The Jackson Laboratory , Bar Harbor, Maine
July 14 - 25, 1997

Invited Speakers: Approximately 10 members of The Jackson Laboratory, 10 from the faculty
of The Johns Hopkins University, and 18 guest lecturers from
other institutions

Course consists of 52 hours of lectures on chromosome structure and
function, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, immunogenetics,
population genetics, developmental genetics, neurogenetics, genetics
of complex traits, clinical genetics, gene therapy, etc. and 22
hours of workshops on molecular genetics, cytogenetics, biochemical
screening and patient evaluation, computers in the management of
genetic data, linkage analysis, transgenic methods and mouse
models, as well as a medical genetic clinic with patient presentations

Registration :
Applications are invited from teachers, researchers and clinicians, including post-doctoral
fellows, from colleges, universities and research institutes. Inquiry
or applications should be made to:

1997 Courses and Meetings
The Jackson Laboratory
600 Main Street
Bar Harbor, ME
Phone: (207) 288 6262
Fax: (207) 288 6080

Deadline for Abstracts: N/A

Email for Requests and Registration: education@jax.org

Posted by: Erik R. Janus Host: date: December 19, 96 17:03:52
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp