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Biotechnology for Business

Duke University , Duke University,Durham, NC

Invited Speakers:

Michael C. Pirrung, Ph.D., Dir., Biotechnology for Business.
Andrew E. Balber, Ph.D., Assoc. Dir., Office of Science and Technology, Duke University.
Richard G. Fehon, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Zoology and Cell Biology, Duke University and the Duke University Medical Center.
Julie A. Kauer, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Neurobiology, Duke University School of Medicine.
Robert Kelly, Ph.D., Prof., Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University.
Haifan Lin, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center.
Theresa O1Halloran, Ph.D., Asst. Prof., Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center.


Duke University faculty in genetics, molecular biology, immunology, & neuroscience offers training in fundamental biology underlying the biotechnology industry. For non-scientists in banking, investment, government, law, etc.

Registration :

Deadline for Abstracts: none

Email for Requests and Registration: biotech@chem.duke.edu

Posted by: Billie Maciunas Host: grossmac45.chem.duke.edu date: September 13, 96 7:20:16
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