Crystallography and X-ray diffraction yield a wealth of structural information unobtainable through other methods. This intensive laboratory/computational course will focus on the major techniques used to determine the three-dimensional structures of macromolecules. It is designed for scientists with a working knowledge of protein structure and function, but who are new to macromolecular crystallography. Topics that will be covered include crystallization (proteins, nucleic acids and complexes), crystal characterization, X-ray sources and optics, crystal freezing, data collection, data reduction, anomalous dispersion, multiple isomorphous replacement, phase determination, solvent, flattening, molecular replacement and averaging, electron density interpretation, structure refinement, molecular graphics, molecular dynamics and multi-dimensional NMR. Participants will learn through extensive hands-on experiments where they will crystallize and determine a protein structure, along with lectures and informal discussions on the theory behind the techniques.
Registration :
Further information on how to register is available here
Deadline for Abstracts: July 15, 1996
Email for Requests and Registration: