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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , Cold Spring Harbor, New York
October 10 - 23, 1996

This course focuses on specialized techniques in microscopy related to localizing DNA sequences and proteins in cells and preparing DNA and DNA-protein spreads for microscopic examination. The course will emphasize the use of the latest equipment and techniques in epifluorescence microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, electron microscopy, and digital image processing. The aims of the course are designed to provide state-of-the-art technology and scientific expertise in the use of microscopic applications to address basic questions in genome organization and cellular and molecular biology. The course is designed for the molecular biologist who is in need of microscopic approaches and for the cell biologist who is not familiar with the practical application of the advanced techniques presented in the course. Among the methods presented will be preparation of tagged nucleic acid probes, fixation methods, detection of multiple DNA sequences in single nuclei or chromosome spreads, comparative genomic hybridization, use of a variety of reporter molecules and non-antibody fluorescent tags, indirect antibody labelling of multiple proteins in a single cell. In addition, molecular electron microscopy will be used to examine DNA-protein interactions. In each method, several experimental protocols will be presented allowing the students to assess the relative merits of each and to relate them to their own research. Students are encouraged to bring nucleic acid or protein probes to the course which can be used in addition to those provided by the instructors. The laboratory portion of the course will be supplemented by invited lecturers who will give up-to-the-minute reports on current research using the techniques being presented in the course.

Registration :
Further information on how to register is available here

Deadline for Abstracts: July 15, 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: meetings@cshl.org

Posted by: David Stewart Host: caracas.cshl.org date: May 22, 96 0:23:58
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp