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Baldrige/JCAHO Organizational Self-Assessment

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement , Westin Hotel, Seattle, WA

Invited Speakers:

Course Director:
--Francis Jackson, Healthcare Quality Management Consultant (Former Baldrige Examiner)

Other Faculty:
--Christian Amoroso, M.D., President, Optimal Health Leadership, (Formerly Director of
Manufacturing Excellence, Eastman Kodak Company)
--Roger Chaufournier, Assistant Dean, Office of Strategic Clinical Initiatives, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine (Baldrige Examiner)
--Joel Ettinger, President, VHA Pennsylvania, Inc. (Baldrige Examiner)
--Ellen Gaucher, B.S.N., M.S.P.H., M.S.N., Senior Associate Director, University of Michigan
--David Luther, Principal, Luther Quality Associates, (Formerly Senior Vice President,
Corporate Quality Management, Corning Inc. and Baldrige Judge)
--Debra Owens, Consultant, (Formerly Vice President, Quality Management, Baxter
Healthcare and Baldrige Examiner)

This course is designed for clinical and administrative leaders in hospitals, HMOs, and integrated
systems who want to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their organizations' management
systems. Utilizing the widely recognized Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Examination
Criteria and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
standards, learn to plan and implement a self-assessment of your organization.

The course will include an in-depth discussion of the Criteria; instruction on assessing an
organization's approach, deployment, and results of continuous improvement; practice assessing
a health care case study; advantages and disadvantages of different assessment approaches; and
analysis of assessment results of several health care organizations.

Registration :
For information call the Institute course team at: 617/754-4800
(This course will be offered again September 30-October 1 in Boston, MA)

Deadline for Abstracts: none

Email for Requests and Registration: jbert2@ix.netcom.com

Posted by: ALISON MACDUFF Host: date: May 14, 96 21:12:14
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