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In Vitro Toxicology Techniques and Applications

American Type Culture Collection , Rockville, Maryland
June 4-7, 1996

Invited Speakers: Faculty: Dr. Oliver Flint (Workshop Director), Bristol-Myers/Squibb; Dr. Joseph Sina, Merck Research Laboratories; Dr. Carol Greene, SRI International; and Mr. Charles Noble, MSDRL-Safety Assessment, Dr. John Harbell, Microbiological Associates.

This workshop emphasizes hands-on experience designed to introduce the field of In
Vitro Toxicology Tests. The four-day schedule proceeds in a logical manner from basic
concepts of tissue culture and toxicity testing to specialized systems for evaluating
organ-specific toxicity. There will be a special emphasis on in vitro ocular and dermal
toxicity tests which have been the focus of much recent validation activity and are now
widely used for topical toxicity testing. Participants will begin by setting up cultures of a
simple cell line, exposing cells to graded concentrations of a toxic agent and performing
basic cytotoxicity assays. A variety of different cultured cell types will be available for
examination. Participants will then learn a variety of the most successful alternatives to
the Draize eye and skin tests. Ocular toxicity tests will include the hen's egg test
(HET-CAM) and the bovine corneal opacity test (BCOP). Dermal toxicity tests will utilize
trans filter cultures of human skin constructs. The workshop will be completed by
preparing and culturing liver slices using the precision-cut slice technique. These will be
used in a study of xenobiotic-induced toxicity.

The broad hands-on experience and detailed protocols provided by this workshop
should give attendees the necessary confidence and information to monitor or conduct
these studies in their own laboratories. In addition, there will be time for informal
discussions of issues of interest to individual participants. This workshop would most
benefit those with an immediate or foreseeable need to use in vitro methods to address
questions of toxicity or risk assessment. A familiarity with tissue culture techniques
would be useful, but is not required for attendance.

Limited to 24 participants
FEE: $875.00
2.8 CEUs

Registration :
Access our on-line registration form by clicking here.

Deadline for Abstracts: N/A

Email for Requests and Registration: workshops@atcc.org

Posted by: Ken Carter, Education Specialist, ATCC Host: date: May 03, 96 20:49:51
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp