This week-long laboratory and lecture workshop teaches the most recently developed techniques for
identifying molecular markers based on microsatellite DNA analysis. Several experimental
sequences have been designed to provide participants with a coherent, problem-based learning
environment. Participants will be provided with genomic DNA or may choose to bring their own
DNA source (10 µg of a pool of high molecular weight, genomic DNA) to construct a plasmid DNA
library using a hybridization enrichment approach. Other experiments in the workshop will include
procedures for library screening, random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RADP), allozyme
analysis and DNA sequencing.
Lecture topics will focus on use of microsatellites in determining genetic relationships, molecular
probes for analysis of population structures, applications of RAPDs in population genetics and data
The workshop will be held at the Key Marine Laboratory, Long Key, Florida. This setting provides
a stimulating environment for a joyful learning experience beyond the laboratory bench. A field trip
to collect marine samples for use in some of the experiments to illustrate the power and use of
molecular techniques in biological conservation sciences will be included.
Registration :
Deadline for Abstracts: None
Email for Requests and Registration: