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Recombinant DNA/PCR/DNA Sequencing Technologies

Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology (CATCMB), Catholic University , Lake Tahoe, NV (Northshore)
Oct. 7-10, 1996

Invited Speakers: n/a


This "On the Road" training course will cover the foundations of recombinant DNA, PCR, and DNA sequencing technologies.
During three and one-half days participants will be exposed to the theoretical and practical underpinnings of all 3 technologies and their practical uses either as individual components or as an integrated approach to a particular research project. (Lecture only)

Registration :
$600 (U.S.) Before July 1, 1996
$650 (U.S.) After July 1, 1996

Deadline for Abstracts: n/a

Email for Requests and Registration: cua-catcmb@cua.edu

Posted by: Mark Miller Host: cu4700.cua.edu date: May 22, 96 12:09:48
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp