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Molecular Immunology and Immunochemistry

Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology (CATCMB), Catholic University , Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
July 22-26, 1996

Invited Speakers: n/a

This course introduces modern concepts and techniques of
molecular immunology. It will consist of a series of lecture
and laboratory exercises that illustrate how the antibody
molecule can be manipulated to create novel diagnostics,
therapeutics and research reagents. The use of modern
immunochemical techniques and recombinant DNA methods to express
genes encoding antigens and antibodies will be emphasized.

Registration :
$865 (U.S.)

Deadline for Abstracts: n/a

Email for Requests and Registration: cua-catcmb@cua.edu

Posted by: Mark Miller… Host: cu4700.cua.edu date: April 16, 96 18:00:31
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