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Site-Directed Mutagenesis

Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C. , Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
May 29-June 1, 1996

Invited Speakers: n/a

This lecture/lab "hands-on" training course is designed to
provide the participants with an overall understanding of
the principles and methodologies used in site-directed mutagenesis.
The practical applications of this technology are emphasized
in selected topics while the laboratory work provides
"hands-on" experience in the performance of actual site
directed changes in selected DNA sequences using classical
and PCR-based mutagenesis techniques

Registration :
$765 (U.S.)

Deadline for Abstracts: n/a

Email for Requests and Registration: cua-catcmb@cua.edu

Posted by: Mark Miller Host: cu4700.cua.edu date: April 16, 96 14:56:21
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp