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1996 ISAG Workshop on Poultry Genome Mapping (part of ISAG XXVth International Conference on Animal Genetics)

Centre International de Congrès Vinci , Tours, France
22nd July 1996


Welcome and general introduction (10 mins)
- Dave Burt and Martien Groenen.

Genetic Linkage Mapping (60 mins)
- Status of the international chicken reference maps (Nat Bumstead).
- Wageningen chicken genetic linkage map (Martien Groenen).
- Turkey genetic linkage map (Jan van der Poel, Ed Smith).


Physical Mapping (60 mins)
- Physical mapping of the chicken genome (Ruedi Fries).
- Physical and genetic mapping of microchromosomes (Alain Vignal).
- Integration of the genetic and physical maps (Abel Ponce de Leon).

Radiation Hybrid Mapping (15 mins)
- Whole Genome Radiation Hybrids: a chicken mapping resource (Dave Burt).

Large insert libraries (15 mins)
- Chicken large insert library resources (Nat Bumstead).



Mapping Expressed Sequences (45 mins)
- Mapping expressed sequences (Carolien Spira).
- From Sequence to Function (Andy Law).

Bioinformatics & Genome Databases (30 mins)
- Chicken genome database & Comparative gene mapping (Dave Burt).


Mapping quantitative trait loci (60 mins)
- Disease resistance: Leghorn x Leghorn cross (Nat Bumstead).
- Production traits: Broiler x Layer cross (Paul Hocking).
- Production traits: Broiler x Broiler cross (Richard Crooijmans, Jossi Hillel).

New Proposals and Further Recommendations (30 mins)

Nominations for the Standing Committee (10 mins)

Registration :
Contact ISAG@biotec.jouy.inra.fr for conference registration details.

Conference office address:
Congrès ISAG
Centre de Recherche INRA
78352, Jouy-en-Josas Cedex

Tel: (33 1) 34 65 27 19
Fax: (33 1) 34 65 26 79

Deadline for Abstracts: n/a

Email for Requests and Registration: Dave.Burt@bbsrc.ac.uk

Posted by: Andy Law (Andy.Law@bbsrc.ac.uk) Host: cassia.hensa.ac.uk date: April 10, 96 8:43:55
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp