Invited Speakers:
Workshop on Transgenic Plants: Biology and Applications
April 20-22, 1996
Tuskegee University
Kellogg Executive Conference Center
The highlights of the workshop include...
Lectures by nearly 20 eminent scientists on the current status of research on transgenic plants including fundamental biology, techniques, agricultural improvement, commercial applications, ethical issues and social considerations.
Special Session
'Plant Genome Database'.
'How Internet Can Enhance Your Research Productivity'.
'Teaching Transgenic Plants to Undergraduates'.
Panel discussion on strategies for enhancing minority participation in plant molecular biology research.
Talks by federal agency representatives on funding opportunities to support plant research.
Commercial exhibits from biotechnology companies.
Exhibits on various Ph. D. programs around the country with information on graduate assistantships.
Tour of the Plant Molecular Genetics Laboratories at Tuskegee University.
Poster session for exposure of student research
Luncheon and Banquet Lectures
A limited travel funding is available for underrepresented minority undergraduate and graduate students from U. S. Please contact Dr. C. S. Prakash immediately for information on this funding.
Please check the World Wide Web site on the Internet for latest information on the workshop (including local map and directions from the airport):
Saturday April 20, 1996
6 - 8 PM: Registration
7 PM: Reception/Cocktail
-Supported by Perkin Elmer Corporation
Sunday, April 21, 1996
8 AM: Welcome : Dr. Benjamin Payton, President, Tuskegee University
Plenary Lecture
Ganesh Kishore, Monsanto Co.
"Crop Improvement Via Biotechnology"
Morning Sessions:
Eugene Nester, University of Washington
"Agrobacterium: A Natural Genetic Engineer Exploited for Biotechnology"
Maureen Hanson, Cornell University
"Transgenic Plants - Cell and Developmental Biology"
Brian Larkins, University of Arizona
"Enhancing Protein Quality in Crops"
Frederick Perlak, Monsanto
"Engineering Insect Resistance in Plants"
Virginia Walbot, Stanford University
"Regulation of Mutator Transposable Elements of Maize"
Luncheon Lecture:
Roger Beachy, Scripps Research Institute
"Genetic Engineering of Virus Resistance in Plants"
Afternoon Sessions
Hans Bohnert, University of Arizona
"Transgenic Plants and Abiotic Stress"
Genichi Kakefuda, American Cyanamid
"Designing Herbicide Tolerance in Plants"
Susan Wessler, University of Georgia
"Transposable Elements Can Be Our Friends"
Trevor Thorpe, University of Alberta
"Somatic Embryogenesis"
Robert Jones, University of Minnesota (Title to be announced)
Banquet Lecture
Charles Arntzen, Boyce Thompson Plant Research Institute
"Transgenic Plants Producing Edible Vaccines"
Monday, April 22, 1996
Plenary Lecture
Chris Somerville, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Stanford U
"Biodegradable Plastics from Transgenic Plants"
Tim Conner, Monsanto Co.
"Transgenic Plants- Fine Tuning of the Expression of Traits"
K. V. Raman, ISAAA, Cornell University
"International Applications of Transgenic Plants"
Robert Fincher, Pioneer Hi-Bred International
"Commercialization of Transgenic Crops"
Michael Oelck, AgrEvo Canada
"Innovator - The first genetically enhanced canola variety in Canada
in 1995"
Fred Buttell, University of Wisconsin, Madison
" Socioeconomic Aspects of Transgenic Plants"
Paul Thompson, Texas A& M University
"Ethical Responsibility and the Unintended Consequences of
Plant Biotechnology".
Terry Medley, USDA/APHIS
"Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety Issues"
Judy Chambers, U. S. A. I. D.
"Global Perspectives of Biotechnology"
Panel Discussion 1: "Enhancing Minority Participation in Transgenic Plant Research and Education"
Frank Greene, USDA/ARS
Walter Hill, Tuskegee University
Terry Medley, USDA/APHIS
William Gordon, Howard University
Jerome Roberts, Alabama A & M University
Jacquelyn Jackson, Tuskegee University
Karyn Scissum-Gunn, Auburn University
Panel Discussion 2: Funding Opportunities for Research on Transgenic Plants
Program Managers from USDA, NSF, DOE and NASA
Monday P. M.
Susan McCarthy, USDA/NAL- Demonstration of the 'Plant Genome Database'
Pat Traynor, NBIAP/Virginia Tech - 'Information Systems for Biotechnology'
C. S. Prakash, Tuskegee University 'How Internet Can Enhance Your Research Productivity'
Stanton Gelvin, Purdue University-" Teaching Transgenic Research to Undergraduates using "Purdue Blue Plants"
Ramanjini Gowda and Marceline Egnin: Tour of the Plant Molecular Genetics Laboratory and demonstration of the "Gene Gun"
The workshop will conclude at 5 PM on Monday, April 22.
Conference Pre-Registration is $100 and includes admittance to all sessions, cocktail, meals (continental breakfast and luncheon on Sunday and Monday; banquet on Sunday, coffee and snacks during breaks) and abstract book. Payment (check payable to TU Kellogg Conference Center) must be sent to Dr. Prakash by April 1, 1996. Registration after April 1 and on- site is $125 (Credit card, cash or check). Spouse Registration is $50 includes all meals (cocktail, two luncheons and banquet).
Hotel Accommodations (Call Directly!)
Rooms are being held under the "Transgenic Plant Workshop" at The Tuskegee University Kellogg Executive Conference Center where all the meetings will be held. It is a new and very modern conference facility with 180 luxury rooms. Conference special rates are $70 Single and $80 Double (plus tax and gratuity). Credit Cards Accepted. For reservations, contact the Conference Center directlyToll Free: 1-800-949-6161 (334-727-3000; Fax 334-727-5119). Address: Tuskegee University, Old Montgomery Road, Tuskegee, AL 36088, USA. Reduced rates available for U. S. Government Employees. Less expensive ($50) but farther hotels (for those with own transportation) are Hampton Inn (Auburn; 20 miles) (334) 821-4111; Quality Inn (Auburn; 21 miles) (334-821-7001; Days Inn (Shorter; 20 miles to the south) (334) 727-6034; Western Inn (334) 727-5400 (Tuskegee; 6 miles; $43). The legendary scientist George Washington Carver worked at Tuskegee for nearly 50 years and 'Carver Museum' is located right next to the conference center.
Getting There: Special discounted air and ground travel (shuttle) rates are available. Please contact the Meeting Management Services at 1-800-821-8751 (Fax 719-473-8750). Atlanta Airport is located about 120 miles (about 2 hours drive) from Tuskegee and has excellent flight connections. Montgomery (Ala.) Airport is about 40 minutes drive. Shuttle service ($45) from both airports is available but reservations must be made in advance; Call the Meeting Management Services at 1-800-821-8751. Car rental is another option as it provides greater flexibility and costs are comparable to the shuttle.
Weather: We will order some good sunny weather for you. You may expect 60-75°F (15-22°C) during April in Tuskegee. April has beautiful blooming blossoms of dogwood and rhododendron around here.
To register for the workshop, please complete the following form with your name, address, email, fax and phone numbers and forward with a check for $100 to:
Dr. C. S. Prakash
"Workshop on Transgenic Plants"
Director, Center for Plant Biotechnology Research
School of Agriculture and Home Economics
Milbank Hall, Tuskegee University
Tuskegee, AL 36088-1641. USA
Email: Prakash@Acd.Tusk.Edu
Phone (334) 727 8023
Fax (334) 727 8552
Remember pre-registration is necessary to get discounted rate. Clip and forward to Dr. Prakash with a check for $100.00 payable to TU Kellogg Center by April 1.
Fax Number:
Payment Enclosed?
Check----- (Make Check payable to Tuskegee University Kellogg Conf. Center)
Any dietary or other restrictions...............................
I am interested in presenting a poster : ------------Yes ---------------No
Poster Title:
(For minority student travel grant consideration you must send a statement of research interests along with a letter from your advisor by March 10, 1996)
Registration :
Deadline for Abstracts: April 1, 1996
Email for Requests and Registration: