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American Type Culture Collection , Rockville, Maryland, USA
APRIL 1-5, 1996

Invited Speakers: Faculty: William Nierman, Ph.D., Director, ATCC Program in
Molecular Biology and Virology; Donna Maglott, Ph.D., Assoc. Staff Scientist; Tamara
Feldblyum, M.S., Collection Scientist. Also, Ramon Jordan, Ph.D., Research Plant
Pathologist/Virologist, United States Department of Agriculture.

This five-day, laboratory-intensive, course covers up-to-date recombinant DNA
procedures and methodologies both in theory and in practice. This course provides
introductory and intermediate level instruction in recombinant DNA laboratory
techniques. A basic knowledge of nucleic acids is helpful but not necessary.

Lecture topics will include Molecular Cloning, Enzymes, Vectors, E. coli Host
Genotypes, Library Construction, Nucleic Acid Sequencing, Restriction Mapping,
Probes and PCR, Synthesis and Cloning of cDNA.

Laboratory sessions will include three simultaneous experiments; characterizing and
subcloning a DNA fragment and constructing a eukaryotic genomic library in lambda

1.DNA Characterization: restriction digest/mapping of a selected plasmid, fragment
size and number determined by horizontal agarose gel-electrophoresis, DNA
transfer to a nylon transfer matrix, probe selection, nick translation of probe with
labelled dNTP and characterization of DNA fragments by Southern blot analysis.

2.Subcloning of a DNA Fragment: vector digestion to completion, isolation of DNA
fragment by preparative restriction digest, fragment size determination by
horizontal gel-electrophoresis, DNA extraction from agarose gel, vector insert
ligation, screening for transformants by colony hybridization and analysis of
plasmid DNA (miniscreens).

3.Construction of a Genomic Library; isolation of eukaryotic genomic DNA,
digestion, ligation, in vitro packaging, plating bacteria, assays of packaged phage
and screening by plaque hybridization.

Approximately 75% of the course is devoted to laboratory instruction while 25% is
lecture-oriented. An intensive manual with protocols and procedures is provided for
each participant.

Limited to 25 participants
FEE: $1,295.00
3.5 CEUs

Registration :

Deadline for Abstracts: April 1, 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: workshops@atcc.org

Posted by: Ken Carter Host: date: February 27, 96 16:56:19
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp