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The Spectrum of Developmental Disabilities XVIII: Dyslexia- Practitioner's Dilemma; Researcher's Delight (or vice versa)

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions , Baltimore, Maryland
March 18-20, 1996

This annnual interdiscplinary course highlights the clinical and research aspects regarding the etiology, early and school-age
identification, evaluation and treatment regarding children with dyslexia.

The proposed audience includes: pediatricians, neurodevelopmental pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists, educators, psychologists,
speech pathologists, social workers, shool and public health nurses, and other professionals involved in the diagnosis,
treatment and management of children and adults with dyslexia.

Registration :
Fee - $425 (See Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions link for form.)

Deadline for Abstracts: tba

Email for Requests and Registration: dheaphy@SOM.adm.jhu.edu

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