[by date] [by subject] [by continent]

Cell Death in the CNS: Molecules and Programs

, Castle Ringberg, Tegernsee, Germany
June 23-26, 1996

Invited Speakers:


Japanese speakers

Masayuki Miura, Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba
The role of ICE/ced3 family in neural cell death

Shunsaku Homma, Department of Anatomy, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Tsukuba University
The TGF-b superfamily and cell death in the CNS at early developmental stages

Akio Wanaka, Department of Cell Science, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fukushima College
An attempt to identify programmed cell death-associated genes in the nervous system by differential display

Makoto Hamanoue, Department of Neurochemistry, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo
Neurotrophic action of kringle-factors in the brain

Seisuke Hattori, Department of Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo
Neurotrophins and Ras signaling pathways

Shin Kwak, Department of Clinical Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University
Neuronal death induced by glutamate analogue

Ichiro Matsuoka, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
Regulation of neurotrophin responsiveness by members of TGFb family

Takashi Suda, Osaka Bioscience Institute
Biology of the FAS/FAS ligand system

Yutaka Eguchi, Biomedical Research Center, Osaka University

The function of Bcl-2 in preventing cell death

Masato Okada, Division of Protein Metabolism, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Roles of non-receptor tyrosine kinases in neural development

Yoshiyuki Kuchino, Biophysics Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Glioma cell death induced by intronless myc family gene expression

Yasushi Enokido, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Neuronal cell death in p53 knock-out mice

Hideaki Tanaka, Department of Developmental Neurobiology, Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto

Receptor-type tyrosine kinase specifically expressed in motoneuron

Other participants (Organizers/Chairmen)

Ichiro Kanazawa, Dept. of Neurology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Shinichi Kohsaka, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo
Hideo Sugita, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo

International invited speaker

Alun M. Davies, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K.
The role of the bcl-2 family of proteins in regulating neural survival during development

German speakers

Yves-Alain Barde, Dept. of Neurobiochemistry, MPI of Psychiatry, Martinsried

Control of cell survival by neurotrophins

Rupert Egensperger, Institute of Neuropathology, LMU, München
Genetic susceptibility and cell death in Alzheimer disease

Hartmut Engelmann, Institute of Immunology, LMU, München
Regulation of cell death by members of the TNF/NGF receptor family

Jochen Gehrmann, Institute of Neuropathology, Zürich
Glia cell turnover in the injured CNS: experimental models and human pathologies

Ralf Gold, Dept. of Neurology, Univ. of Würzburg, Würzburg
T-cell apoptosis in inflammatory processes in the CNS

Manuel B. Graeber, Institute of Neuropathology, LMU, München
Mechanisms of cell death in Parkinson disease

Rolf Heumann, Dept. of Molecular Neurobiochemistry, Univ. of Bochum, Bochum
Neuronal activation of p21ras in transgenes: A master switch?

Leonard L. Jones, Dept. of Neuromorphology, MPI of Psychiatry, Martinsried,
and Richard B. Banati, Hammersmith Hospital, RPMS, London
Population control of microglia by cell death in situ

Peter H. Krammer, Forschungsschwerpunkt Tumorimmunologie, DKFZ, Heidelberg
The APO-1 (FAS/CD95)-mediated death signal

Martin Krönke, Institute of Immunology, University of Kiel, Kiel
Sphingomyelinases in cellular signaling

Dan Lindholm, Department of Neurochemistry, MPI of Psychiatry, Martinsried
Regulation of proteins belonging to the bcl-2 family by neurotrophic factors: relation to neuron survival and apoptosis

Hans Georg Mannherz, Ins. of Anatomy, Bochum
The role and function of deoxyribonuclease during the apoptotic chromatin degradation

Michael Sendtner, Dept. of Neurology, Univ. of Würzburg, Würzburg
Physiological function of CNTF and LIF on motoneuron survival

Hermann Steller, Dept. of Neurobiology, HHMI, MIT/Cambridge, USA
Genetic control of programmed cell death in Drosophila

Other participants (Organizers/Chairmen)

Konrad Beyreuther, ZMBH, Univ. of Heidelberg, Heidelberg
Georg W. Kreutzberg, Dept. of Neuromorphology, MPI of Psychiatry, Martinsried

Registration :

Information/correspondence: Secretariat Prof. Kreutzberg, Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, 82152 Martinsried, Germany Tel. +49 89 8578-3651, Fax +49 89 8578-3939

Deadline for Abstracts:

Email for Requests and Registration: u792201@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de

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