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Developmental Immunology

Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Jerusalem
14-19 April 1996

Invited Speakers: David Baltimore, MIT
Yehudit Bergman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Martin Gellert, NIH
Adi Kimchi, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
Diane Mathis, IGBMC, Strasbourg
Klaus Rajewsky, Institute of Genetics, Cologne
Harald von Boehmer, Hopital Necker, Paris
Irving Weissman, Stanford University.

The workshop will explore the range of issues brought up by
contemporary experimentation on the development of B and
T cells. The events that lead to cellular commitment to
particular lineages, immunoglobulin and T cell diversity,
allelic exclusion, and functional activation will be
particular foci for discussion.

Registration :
The School is intended for advanced graduates and
post-doctoral students. Registration fees: $200. Hotel
accommodation: $250. Some financial support is available
for applicants upon request. Candidates must send a C.V., an
abstract of research interests and a letter of recommenda-
tion. For application forms write to: The Jerusalem Spring
School, Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Givat Ram 91404 ISRAEL
Fax 972-2 6523429 email advanc@vms.huji.ac.il

Deadline for Abstracts: 9 February 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: advanc@vms.huji.ac.il

Posted by: Laure Barthel, Associate director of the Institute for Advanced Studies Host: ilwww.ac.il date: January 02, 96 13:22:42
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp