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Duke University Medical Center , Center for Executive Education / Babson College just outside of Boston, MA, U.S.A
April 14th-April 17th, 1996

GENETIC ANALYSIS METHODS FOR MEDICAL RESEARCHERS is a comprehensive four day course directed toward physician scientists and/or other medical researchers.
The course will introduce state-of-the-art approaches for the mapping of human inherited disorders with an emphasis on the mapping of complex common diseases phenotypes. The overall focus of the course is on the development of a broad-based knowledge of the application of Human Genome Initiative resources to the design and execution of disease gene mapping projects.


The course is taught by an internationally renowned faculty of scientists and physicians. Each faculty member has extensive expertise in several course topics.


Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Ph.D., Department of Medicine, Department of Genetics, Duke University School of Medicine.

She is a founding fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics and a board-certified Ph.D. medical
geneticist with fifteen years experience in genetic counseling. Dr. Pericak-Vance is a genetic epidemiologist whose research has focused on the mapping of both simple mendelian and complex phenotypes of genetic disorders. She is actively mapping or has been involved in mapping such disorders as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease), tuberous sclerosis, Alzheimer disease (AD), multiple sclerosis, primary open-angle glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration.

Jonathan L. Haines, Ph.D., Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Haines is a genetic epidemiologist whose research has focused on both human disease and general (reference)
chromosome mapping. Dr. Haines has been involved in mapping such diseases as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, multiple sclerosis, primary open- angle glaucoma, and Batten disease.


Arthur S. Aylsworth, M.D., Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Dr. Aylsworth is a board-certified pediatrician and clinical geneticist. As a physician-scientist, Dr. Aylsworth plays primary roles in family ascertainment and phenotypic delineation. He is actively involved in studies on
neurofibromatosis and neural tube defects.

David Goldgar, Ph.D., Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Medical Informatics, University of Utah.
Dr. Goldgar is a statistical geneticist with extensive experience in both the theoretical and practical aspects of mapping human quantitative and complex traits. He has concentrated on the genetic epidemiology of common cancers, focusing on the genetic mapping of breast and ovarian cancer.

Marcy MacDonald, Ph.D., Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School.
Dr. MacDonald is a molecular geneticist with vast experience in applying molecular techniques to positional cloning problems. She has concentrated her efforts on the cloning and description of the Huntington disease gene and other trinucleotide repeat disease genes.

Deborah A. Meyers, Ph.D., Department of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Meyers is a statistical geneticist who has concentrated her research on the genetic basis of complex disorders including allergy, and psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer disease. She has extensive didactic experience in her teaching role at the short course in Medical and Experimental and Mammalian Genetics, The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Marcy C. Speer, M.S., Ph.D., Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical School.
Dr. Speer is a board-certified genetic counselor with twelve years of experience. She is also a genetic epidemiologist whose research interest is in mapping human genetic diseases, including the muscular dystrophies and neural tube defects. She is also involved in studies of unusual genetic phenomena such as anticipation and imprinting.

Registration :

Participation in the course will be dependent on completion of an application form that describes the applicant's background and research interests and is limited to 35 students. All participants will need to show evidence of a postgraduate genetics course or its equivalent. Participants must provide a brief statement describing their research interests, their reason for taking the course, and their long-term objectives in relation to the course curriculum. This information will be used to select a highly motivated participant group. Minority and women applicants are specifically encouraged to apply. A limited number of scholarships are available for registered students or fellows. Scholarship selection will be based on the strength of the individual applications.

The course will be held at the Center for Executive Education on the campus of Babson College just outside of Boston, MA, U.S.A. It will be held from April 14th-April 17th, 1996. The total cost of the course is $1125.
The DEADLINE for completed applications is JANUARY 19, 1995.

For more information, brochures, and application forms please contact:

Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Ph.D.
c/o Nadine Powers, Course Administrator
Duke University Medical Center, Box 2900
Durham, N.C. 27710
(919) 684-6274 (voice); or (919) 684-6514 (fax)
genclass@genemap.mc.duke.edu (email) or

Deadline for Abstracts: JANUARY 19, 1996

Email for Requests and Registration: genclass@genemap.mc.duke.edu

Posted by: Jonathan L. Haines Host: info2.uni-rostock.de date: January 16, 96 14:59:48
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