Invited Speakers:
First European Workshop on Quality Assessment and Quality Assurance in Molecular Genetics. A satellite meeting to the European Society of Human Genetics, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London UK. Nunn Hall, 13:00, Wednesday April 10th 1996 organised by the UK Clinical Molecular Genetics Society (CMGS) and the Concerted Action for Genetic Services in Europe (CAGSE)
Molecular Genetic Laboratory services are growing in both the number of European centres offering testing and the range of tests that can be performed. It is not surprising that there is a great deal of interest in maintaining the
confidence of the public in the quality and consistency of these services. One method to improve standards is to introduce Internal Quality Assurance through training, education, and agreed 'best practice' guidelines. A second way to raise, equalise and maintain standards is to introduce external checks on the accuracy of molecular genetics testing: this is External Quality Assessment (EQA)
In the UK, EQA has been developing in the last 4-5 years. It was started by the UK Clinical Molecular Genetics Society but is now an independent scheme funded as a pilot by the UK Department of Health. Internal QA is promoted through disease or technique specific 'best practice' meetings organised by the CMGS.
In brief the EQA scheme consists of an organisation to send out sufficient DNA samples to form a clinical referral-for instance a CF affected child plus parents to test for informativeness for a future prenatal diagnosis. The laboratory is asked to test the samples, interpret the results and return a report to the organisers. The reports are marked for accuracy of genotyping, correct interpretation of and key points to include in the clinical report.
Eight disorders are included in the current scheme; CF, DMD, FraX, Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome, Myotonic Dystrophy, HD, FAP and SMA.
This year Dutch Molecular Genetics laboratories participated in the scheme which naturally raised questions on the requirements for schemes in Europe.
Accordingly the UKCMGS and CAGSE are organising a half day workshop principally on External Quality Assessment but including aspects of Internal Quality Assurance. The workshop will be liked to the European Society of Human Genetics Meeting in London on the afternoon of Wednesday April 10th 1996.
The proposed main aims of the workshop are to define the diagnostic activities appropriate for EQA, assess whether there is a need for schemes, present the structure of current systems and discuss the problems foreseen in developing further schemes in the European Union.
Depending on the outcome of the discussion, the workshop may appoint a small working party to produce a document in 4-6 months outlining the current status of Internal and External QA in this area, the current and future requirements for I/EQA including costing and proposing a mechanism to encourage co-ordinated but probably nationally based schemes. This document may be the basis for an application to the EU for funding to draw together and extend the various current pilot initiatives in I/QA.
Registration :
CAGSE has a limited budget to fund travel to the Workshop. Delegates will be invited by CAGSE to ensure that as far as possible an equal representation of EU countries and to ensure that key interests are represented. To register for the workshop please obtain a registration form (address below) and return it before Friday 19th January 1996. To apply for financial support to attend the workshop, in addition to the registration form, return the separate form together with a brief c.v. and a letter of recommendation (in English) from a senior Molecular Geneticist in your country. Applications for support from within the UK will not be considered.
The workshop will be conducted in the English Language.
Organising group: CAGSE Prof. Rodney Harris; CMGS, roger Mountford, Su
Stenhouse, Rob Elles, Graham Taylor. Updates will be posted on the internet at or HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL
email for further details
or write to Dr Rob Elles, Secretary CMGS,
Regional Molecular Genetics Laboratory,
St Mary's Hospital, Hathersage Road,
Manchester M13 0JH
44 161 276 6129 ('phone)
44 161 276 6606 (fax)
Quality Assurance Schemes for Clincal Molecular Genetics:
I've been asked to try and review various National Clinical Molecular Genetics QC schemes in operation for the EQA meeting of 10th April. So far I have a limited amount of data on Australian and US schemes. I wondered if you were aware of any schemes running in your own country and if you could tell me anything about them, especially regarding the following points:
1. Who organises the scheme?
2. Who participates in the scheme?
3. Is the scheme recognised by Healthcare and/or Government?
4. What tests are evaluated?
5. Do you look at data interpretation and genotyping?
6. How are the results scored?
7. Is there a strategy for dealing with persistant poor performers?
8. What types of samples are distributed?
9. How is the scheme funded?
10. Are their any features you would like to include in future schemes not already in place?
11. Have you encountered any particular problems in administration of the scheme?
GR Taylor PhD MRCPath
Regional Clinical Molecular Genetics Lab,
St James's University Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF
phone 113 283 7084 fax 113 267 7090
Deadline for Abstracts:
Email for Requests and Registration: