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Semen Analysis: Quality Control Methods for Old and New Technologies

American Society of Andrology , Tampa, Florida
January 17-20, 1996

Invited Speakers: Dr. David Katz, Dr. Steven Schrader, Dr. Susan Rothmann

Wednesday Evening
5:00 PM Orientation to Lab

6:00 PM Reception and Buffet Dinner

8:30 AM Sperm Count Quality Control

Exercise 1 Establish baselines
Count, using your method

Exercise 2 Influence of Sample Size
Count sets of 10 squares

Exercise 3 Influence of Chamber

10:30 AM Data Analysis and Discussion
Statistical Process Control

12:00 noon Lunch on your own

1:00 PM Motility Quality Control

Exercise 1 Establish Baselines
Count using your method

Exercise 2 Influence of Sample Size
Count sets of 10 squares

2:00 PM Data Analysis and Discussion

Exercise 3 Live Counts vs Dead Counts
Count Appropriate # of Squares

Exercise 4 Influence of Chamber
Makler/Microcell/Cell Vu

3:30 PM Data Analysis and Discussion

8:30 AM Introduction to CASA - Dr. Daid Katz
I. Machine Vision and Semen Analysis
What do we want it to do?
A. Objective Measure
B. Repeatable
C. Permanent Record
II. CASA--How does it work?
A. Define terms
B. Basics of imaging &
computer image analysis

9:00 AM State of the Art - Dr. David Katz
What We Know So Far About
CASA Pluses and Pitfalls
1. Diagnostic usefulness
2. Technological challenges
3. # of sperm per field
4. Sperm counts
5. Common errors in analysis

9:30 AM CASA Exercises
Each Group will have 2 hours to complete
a series of identical experiments designed to
address the following:

1. How each instrument overcomes
technological challenges
2. Sample preparation methods
3. Basic operation for count and motility
4. QC and calibration
5. Kinematics

11:30 AM Lunch on you own

12:30 PM CASA Exercises

2:30 PM Break

3:00 PM CASA Exercises

8:30 AM Discussion of CASA Data

10:30 AM Adjourn

Registration :

Course Fee: $850 Pre-registration before December 1, 1995; Registration $1000 after December 1, 1995

Send to: ASA, P.O. Box 15171, Lenexa, KS 66285-5171 Phone:(913) 541-9077 FAX:(913)541-0156

Deadline for Abstracts: none

Email for Requests and Registration: sms@niobbs1.em.cdc.gov

Posted by: Steve Schrader Host: date: November 03, 95 16:11:31
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp