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Downstream Processing, Recovery and Purification of Proteins

American Type Culture Collection , Rockville, Maryland
October 18-20, 1995

Invited Speakers: Faculty: Yossi Shiloach, Ph.D. (Workshop Director), Head, Biotechnology Unit, National Institutes of Health ; Peter Moore, Pharmacia

A three-day introductory course that covers methods and strategies associated with the
recovery and purification of proteins from various biological sources.

Lectures will include an overview of recovery and purification process, separation of
biomass from broth, centrifugation, tangential flow filtration (microfiltration, ultrafiltration),
cell disintegration, protein precipitation, chromatography of proteins (ion exchange,
affinity, hydrophobic gel filtration), optimization of purification processes, scale-up and
analytical methods.

Laboratory sessions will include tangential flow filtration using plate and frame system
and/or hollow fibers. Protein separation implementing gel filtration and ion exchange
chromatography using Pharmacia Biopilot system will be demonstrated.

Pharmacia Bioprocess division will be associated with the lectures and laboratory work.

Registration :
FEE: $795.00 Limited to 24 Participants

Deadline for Abstracts: N/A

Email for Requests and Registration: ahudak@atcc.org

Posted by: Ken Carter, Assoc. Director, Education Program, ATCC Host: date: September 21, 95 19:15:59
Generated by meetings and positions 1.0 by Kai Garlipp