7 May 1998
A source of funding for researchers
The basic idea:
Ballantyne Ross will soon be launching a new publication, Pharma Technology Transfer which will address issues of technology transfer from universities, research institutes and hospitals to the pharmabiotech industry. The publication will, in effect, comprise a global supermarket in ideas for drug discovery/development comprising 300-word abstracts solicited from interested researchers summarising their ideas for drug discovery.
We are now actively requesting abstracts from research workers.
Different types of abstract:
The abstracts will cover a wide range of ideas at varying stages of
gestation from early stage research through to more developed projects
where patents may have been filed or even granted. This early stage
research can be defined as the
pre-inventive phase (to use the current jargon in the patent field)
and this obviously has the potential of leading to a patentable invention.
The publication will then be targeted at the global pharmabiotech
industry thus affording industry a
comprehensive source of ideas for drug discovery/development. From
the researcher's point of view it affords a global contact point for potential
sources of funding for early-stage projects and licensing opportunities
for developed projects.
Providing a meaningful abstract:
It is important to provide a meaningful abstract (300 words) for the
end reader in the pharmabiotech industry. Clearly, there is the problem
of divulging too much information in early-stage research where patents
have not been filed but obviously
what is needed is an informative summary of work and ideas in
sufficient detail as to intrigue industry but not so bland as to be utterly
meaningless. One should avoid simplistic profiles of your department's
particular expertise.
Structuring your abstract:
The best way to approach the situation is to imagine that you have been
appointed head of R&D at a regular pharmaceutical company for the day
with a remit to suggest ideas for discovery/development based on your own
work and experience however irrelevant your current research to drug discovery
may seem at first sight.
For example, basic researchon the family of proteins regulating meiosis
currently under investigation in a widerange of laboratories including
departments of cell biology and even plant biology maywell have relevance
to non-dysjunction in Down's Syndrome. The connection therefore is not
always obvious.
In the first place, describe in broad terms the basic concept and then
elaborate on a selection of experimental approaches you intend to presue
in order to explore the potential of your proposed project. By stressing
the experimental approaches
rather than elaborating in too much detail on key enzymes, molecules
or genes for example, you should successfully avoid the problem of releasing
key information prior to the date at which you may subsequently apply for
a patent. Finally, summarise and highlight the potential applications
of your research. For your guidance we are providing a model abstract for
early stage projects.
Multiple submissions are welcome from yourself and colleagues.
The question of patents:
The question of patents is clearly important and in this respect your abstract may fall under four categories:
1). Patent already granted,
2). Patent filed and published,
3). Patent filed but not published,
4). Early-stage research - no patents applied for.
You should indicate in your abstract which of the categories your abstract
falls under.
We would advise you to liaise with your technology transfer officer
about the patent implications of your abstracts. If there is no transfer
technology officer in your area we can advise on patent problems.
In the event that your proposal evokes interest and support from industry
we would again advise you to contact your local transfer technology officer
prior to any negotiation especially with regard to confidentiality and
future intellectual property
Sending you abstract to Ballantyne Ross:
Include your full name, address, fax/tel/e-mail plus patent category
on the submitted extract. After you have finalised your abstract, it should
be shipped to Ballantyne Ross on disk in either:-
1). Microsoft Access,
2). Microsoft Excel (version 5),
3). Comma, separated text.
Please ensure that a hard copy accompanies the disk. In exceptional
circumstances we will accept hard copy only.