23 October 1998
I am a clinical geneticist in Canada. I recently saw a 45 year
old man who has had several ruptures of flexor tendons, occuring over the
last 15 years.
They occur primarily in his hands, usually following moderate trauma,
such as after moving a heavy bookshelf. He has had numerous operations
to repair the tendons, and now has limitation of movement in his wrists
and fingers.
He also had rupture of an ankle tendon as a result of a fall.
This gentleman has no other features of a connective tissue disorder on physical exam or history. His scars are well healed and his skin is normal, no bleeding diathisis, no joint problems (except post surgery) and no eye problems. Heart is fine.
He will be having surgery on Oct. 22, 1998. Does anyone have a clinical hypothesis? Does anyone want a tissue sample for study re: collagen abnormalities?
Thank you for your help.