17 June 1997
The National Human Genome Research Institute is recruiting subjects for spectral karyotype analysis. This technique uses combinatorial labeling by fluorescent dyes and computer spectral analysis to detect small chromosomal aberrations. The study involves a pre-enrollment record review. Eligible subjects will be offered a paid trip to Bethesda for clinical evaluation and specimen collection.
The eligibility criteria include:
1. Proband has an abnormal karyotype, usually a derivative chromosome for
which the translocated material is of unknown origin. Both parents have
been karyotyped and the source of the material is still not clear.
2. The proband has some phenotypic abnormality (dysmorphic, medical, developmental,
or behavioral) that is judged to be due to segmental aneusomy.
3. The subject and both parents are willing to participate and the subject
and at least one parent are willing to travel to Bethesda.
Principal Investigators:
Leslie Biesecker, M.D., 301-402-2041, Email: leslieb@helix.nih.gov
Thomas Ried, Ph.D., 301-594-3118, Email tried@nhgri.nih.gov
49 Convent Dr. Room 4A80
Bethesda, MD 20892