16 May 1997
am writing on behalf of a friend of mine who has a 5 year old boy with
Marfan syndrome and significant ocular complications. The parents would
like to know the opinion of ophthalmologists and/or other specialists as
to the further surgical management of the boy. A brief medical story follows:
in July 1995 the boy underwent scleral buckling, anterior left vitrectomy,
peripheral criopexy, ICCE. No complications occurred. Now he's using a
soft contact lens +12. The patient has his right lens partially dislocated.
Right eye: 1/10 natural. Left eye: 1/20 with contact lens. The parents
would like to ask ophthalmologists who have already seen or treated such
patients, and specifically they wonder whether or not to operate the right
eye, and what consequences might be expected. In fact, as far as I can
tell, they were told different opinion by different specialists. The boy
is currently being taken care of at the Institute of Opththalmology of
the University of Verona School of Medicine, Verona, Italy.
The family lives in Verona, Italy.
Thank you very much.