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news archive July 2008

your information resource in human molecular genetics
2008-07-23 2008-07-10
  • A Natural Ligand For PPAR-Gamma
    How PPAR-gamma -- a fatty acid receptor that plays a central role in energy metabolism -- is activated by a natural ligand is revealed.
  • The Downside Of A Good Defence
    A study provides a potential explanation for children suffering long-lasting brain damage as a consequence of a temporary lack of oxygen during birth.
  • Cognitive Therapy To Control Reward Anticipation
    People can dampen their anticipation of an upcoming reward by re-directing their thoughts.
  • A Noncoding RNA May Drive Alzheimer's Disease
    Scientists have found a molecular mechanism that may drive the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
  • A New Way To Treat Premature Ageing
    A combination of statins and drugs for bone disorders could treat premature-ageing conditions such as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), reports a study published online.
  • Constraining Neutrophil Damage
    The way in which neutrophils -- the immune system's 'first responders' -- migrate into target tissues is reported.
  • New Anti-Parasite Protective Mechanism
    Scientists have discovered how the immune system fights Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis in humans.
  • Enzyme Implicated In Risk Of Common Obesity
    Scientists have discovered gene variants associated with increased risk of common obesity in people with European ancestry.
  • Thirty Loci And Counting For Crohn's disease
    More than 30 genetic loci have been identified that confer susceptibility to Crohn's disease, a common inflammatory bowel disorder.
  • A Sweet Route To Treating Alzheimer's Disease?
    Scientists have identified an enzyme inhibitor in the brain that reduces the phosphorylation of a key protein known to be associated with Alzheimer's disease.
  • How EGFR Promotes Skin Cancer
    Scientists have pinpointed the molecular mechanisms underlying tumour response to EGFR -- a protein that boosts the development of skin cancer, and an important target for cancer therapy.
  • Fingers Point Way To HIV Treatment
    T cells, a type of white blood cell that is destroyed by HIV, have been made resistant to HIV infection, both in the test tube and in mice, using an enzyme designed to disrupt a specific gene.
  • The Scare Switch
    Two papers published online offer an insight into the specific mechanisms in the brain that control fear.
  • Muscling In On Disease Imaging
    A new technique to image muscle fibres in living patients is described.
  • Easy iPS
    Developmental biologists have simplified the recipe for creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which could potentially make the technology safer for clinical treatments.

Generated by News Editor 2.0 by Kai Garlipp
WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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