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news archive January 2005

your information resource in human molecular genetics
2005-01-27 2005-01-25 2005-01-17 2005-01-11
  • The Underlying Causes Of Cystic Fibrosis
    Two studies show that a single mutation in the cystic fibrosis protein causes defects at two distinct stages in its maturation process, leading to cystic fibrosis.
  • 'Tadpoles' Help Researchers Leap-Frog Past Detection Limits
    A powerful new tool promises high sensitivity for the detection of a versatile range of targets, including proteins and small-molecule compounds.
  • Gene Implicated In Rett Syndrome
    A new gene has been identified that may be involved in the pathogenesis of Rett syndrome -- a neurological disorder resulting in autism, seizures and loss of speech, almost exclusively in girls before the age of 18 months.
  • Solving A Cancer Paradox - Why Ageing Cells Turn Into Tumours
    Study shows that growth arrest in aging cells might directly lead to cell cancer formation.
  • Stem Cell Switch
    Study's findings suggest that p53 may protect the genetic stability of stem cells by inducing differentiation and subsequent cell death of defective stem cells.
  • Red Blood Cell Boost
    French researchers have come up with a method for producing red blood cells that may one day help overcome the shortage of donated blood.
  • Neuroprotection Offered By Antibiotics
    One team of researchers, focusing on the transporters that deal with glutamate, the principle excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system, explains how to produce more transporters for glutamate, and gives hope for preventing nerve failure.
  • Insulin's Double-Edged Sword Explained
    Study reveals that some cell switches are more sensitive to insulin than others, creating new possibilities for diabetes therapies.
  • Gene Synthesis Gets Cheaper
    A new method for synthesizing specific DNA sequences could revolutionize the production of genes in the laboratory.

Generated by News Editor 2.0 by Kai Garlipp
WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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