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top | Resources - Tools - Genomics - Misc - Protocols

List of databases and resources
Amos Bairoch's list

HGMP (MRC) - NAR.9601 - or the "Tools" section below

Find and retrieve a sequence
Entrez [man] (NIH/NCBI) - search for: Protein , DNA/RNA , genome
SRS v4 [ man] - search at: Heidelberg - Hinxton - INFOBIOGEN - IGBMC
SRS v5 [ man] - search at: Heidelberg - Hinxton
MIPS/ATLAS: search
DBGET: [man] - search
OWL: Protein non-redundant: Swissprot, translated GenBank, PIR 1-3, NRL-3D

DNA + related info: gsdb - gdb /gdb@dkfz - GenomeNet
DNA: GenBank - EMBL - DDBJ - TIGR - Transfac
dbEST: GenBank - EMBL
DNA structure: NDB (US) NDB (UK)
Vectors: VectorDB


Protein-1D: Swissprot , PIR - PROSITE - TFII
Protein-3D: PDB (Brookhaven) alt , or at: EBI, Molecules R US

Other databases
Taxonomy: NIH | TreeOfLife , [S] , express - TreeBASE
Cell Lines: Organisms and Strains - ATCC , cldb - Hybridomas (monoclonal antibodies)
Biochem Pathways: Boehringer's - KEGG: pathways, diagram
Metabolic Pathways: CME (home), WIT (metabolic reconstruction)
Patents: USPTO - EPO - search Patents
Antisera: antibody resources page

Sequence Submission: EMBL - GenBank
Alert to New Sequences: Swisshop - EMBL - mips  

top | Resources - Tools - GenomicsMisc - Protocols



Brian Golding seq. anal.

Collections of BioComputing Tools

EMBNet: CH , tools , ISREC , ExPaSy
EMBNet: EBI - Heidelberg
Sanger: genome analysis
Baylor: SearchLauncher : GeneFinder, protein , DNA
Japan: GenomeNet , tools
various: gsf , MIPS - dkfz

Homology searches

Blast: EPFL/ISREC - NCBI - GenomeNet - SangerCenter
Blast: Baylor: protein , DNA
Blast2: Heidelberg - NCBI
Blast/Domains: ProDom/France [search] - Pfam/UK [search]
Blast/Species: Drosophila - Yeast - Arabidopsis -
Fasta & Keywords: eeri.fr - IUBIO/Indiana, SRS keywords
Smith-Waterman: EPFL/ISREC - Blitz - BioAccelerator (Weizman)

Find a motif in

Protein: Prosite/Expasy /ISREC - PropSearch
DNA binding sites: NIH: SignalScan /NUS - GBF: Transfac , MatInspector /alt - TESS: home /string /matrix
DNA promoter prediction: PromoterScan /alt /NIH /NUS
Pattern: Patscan /NUS

Multiple Sequence Aligments

List of links

Shading Aligned Sequences


Check oligo


Restriction enzyme mapping

- WebCutter  

top | Resources - Tools - Genomics - Mics - Protocols
HGSP, letter
HUGO Genome Digest

Human Genome Projects

TGC: The genome channel: progress of the sequencing project by
GAC: Genome Annotation Consortium - related links
- Human Genome Mapping Project at the MRC (UK)
- Human Genome Sequencing Project Information
HUGO - Human genome organisation
       HSMI - Human Sequence Map Index
- National Center for Genome Resources
      GSDB - Genome Sequence DataBase
- Institute for Genome Research
MGI - The Merck Gene Index /Washington University
NIH - Genbank - DNA and protein sequences
      OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance of Man
      NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute (of the NIH, USA)
      COG - Clusters of Orthologous Groups at NIH
            Cognitor - compare your sequence to the COG database
MAGPI - M Automated Genome Project Investigation Environment
ORNL - human genome project information - Newsletter - ORNL review
      (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)  

top | Resources - Tools - Genomics - Mics - Protocols

Amos Bairoch's list

Other BioLink Collections

Amos Bairoch
, Jeff, Peter, Dan S. Prestridge (UMN) - DEAMBULUM - Gateway - CMS - geneweb - Rockefeller
NIH: NIH [search], NCBI - Harvard, Virt_Lib, BioSciences VL, Genetics
EMBNet: Heidelberg /Services - Hinxton - Switzerland, ExPaSy, ISREC

BioComputing essentials and help

U Zürich
introduction to biocomputing, including UNIX, GCG, EGCG.
ClustalW 1.6: IGBMC/Strassbourg , U Arizona
UNIX: Hawaii , Oslo man , Edinburgh
BioComputing: GJB's , CHS , Harvard , U of Washington

BioComputing Software Catalogues

Jeff's Catalog
- biocat(EBI) - IUBio Archive

WWW molecular biology courses

Introductory Courses by: Mark Dalton - Dan Jacobson - Biology HyperTextBook
Selected topics: Yeast Genetics - P-elements - Chaperonins , article by H.R.Saibil
More links: AccessExcellence  

top | Resources - Tools - Genomics  - Misc - Protocols

General links & Collections of protocols

Molecular Biology Techniques Forum
- Technical Tips Online

Nucleic Acid

Purification: Nucleo/bond/spin/trap
PCR PCR JumpStation

Antibody purification

Peter Vize

Antisera: antibody resources page 



BioLinks by Thomas Gutjahr.
Logo and Logo Images by Art for BioMed / Syrinx GmbH - Frankfurt / Germany.
4.0 (c) 1995-98 HUM-MOLGEN. All rights reserved. Liability and Copyright.